ICMarket Tech 25

ICMarkTech'25 will be hosted at the Facultad de Economía, Department of Marketing and Market Research, University of Valencia, from November 27th to 29th, 2025. This conference serves as a global platform for scholars and professionals to exchange insights, advancements, and concerns within the realm of Marketing and its allied Technologies.

Papers submitted should relate to one or more of the main themes proposed for the Conference:

  1. Artificial Intelligence Applied in Marketing    
  2. Virtual and Augmented Reality in Marketing    
  3. Business Intelligence Databases and Marketing    
  4. Data Mining and Big Data - Marketing Data Science    
  5. Web Marketing, e-commerce and v-commerce    
  6. Social Media and Networking    
  7. Omnichannel and Marketing Communication    
  8. Marketing, Geomarketing and IoT
  9. Marketing Automation and Marketing Inbound    
  10. Machine Learning Applied to Marketing    
  11. Customer Data Management and CRM    
  12. Neuromarketing Technologies    
  13. Mobile Marketing and Wearable Technologies    
  14. Gamification Technologies to Marketing    
  15. Blockchain Applied to Marketing    
  16. Technologies Applied to Tourism Marketing   
  17. Metaverse and NFT applied to Marketing

Important Dates 

Paper Submission Deadline: September 5th, 2025

Notification of Paper Acceptance: September 23, 2025

Payment of Registration: October 10, 2025

Conference Dates: November 27-29, 2025


logo2024rectangularazulAsociación Española de Marketing Académico y Profesional Departamento de Dirección de Marketing e Investigación de Mercados



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