7th International CSRCOM Conference. “CSR Communication for a world in crisis (September 2024)

CSR Communication Conference will provide a wonderful opportunity for academics and professionals to network, discuss, debate and exchange ideas and viewpoints on CSR challenges and opportunities.

The CSRCOM 2024 will be held in Bath, School of Management (UK), 17-19 September 2024.



Our world is very much in crisis. Still recovering from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic (Peredo et al., 2022), we are facing a harsh new reality of a rapidly warming globe (Nyberg & Wright, 2013), escalating social inequalities (Chrispal, Bapuji, & Zietsma, 2021; D’Cruz et al., 2022; Grosser, McCarthy & Kilgour, 2017), ongoing socio-political conflict (Cooper & Wang, 2022; Jamali & Mirshak, 2010), and looming economic crises. Many organisations are stepping-up to raise awareness of – and challenge – these issues under the guise of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Others may be (inadvertently) exacerbating them (Antonetti et al., 2020). It is the role of CSR communication to document, construct, and negotiate these achievements, aspirations, and aggravations. It is our role to unpack such CSR communication and consider its role for a world in crisis.

We seek to bring together new conceptual and empirical research that builds upon insight at the intersection of CSR and communication (e.g., O’Connor, 2022) and explores the role of CSR communication in various environmental, social and political crises, including (but not restricted to):

  • Grand challenges and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Climate change and activism in and around organisations.
  • Social injustice and marginalisation.
  • Conflict, war and political instability.
  • Artificial intelligence and surveillance.
  • Futurism and post-human interactions.
  • Post-truth and denial.


In addition to research focused on the conference theme, we also welcome submissions on any aspect of CSR and communication, including (but not limited to):

  • Consumer, marketing and branding aspects of CSR.
  • CSR and sustainability reporting / accountability.
  • CSR communication within organisations.
  • CSR and stakeholder dialogue; CSR in online /social media contexts.
  • ‘CSR washing’ (including greenwashing & greenhushing).
  • CSR as corporate micropolitics and social movements and CSR communication.


  • Structured Abstract: A structured abstract (between 1,500-2,500 words without references) should present in a concise way the purpose of the paper, main theoretical framework/ assumptions and if applicable, research methods and final or preliminary results.
  • Submitted abstracts must not have been previously presented, scheduled for presentation, published, accepted for publication, and if under review, must not appear in print before the conference. Submitters must delete all identifying information prior to submission and provide the author details on a separate page.
  • Special Session (panel, roundtable):The objective of Special Sessions is to acquaint educators and researchers with new perspectives, theories, and provocative ideas. In submitting special session proposals, the organizer and listed participants request that, if accepted, they all register and appear at the conference.
  • Session proposals should include a short description of the session theme and its relevance (200 - 400 words), list of session participants and short abstracts (200- 300 words) of their contributions. Please note that all submissions for the conference must conform to the format as indicated on the CSRCom webpage (use a template). If a submitted paper does not correspond with the template format, submitters may be asked to send a renewed version of their work that fulfils the criteria. Authors will be notified of acceptance, rejection, or suggested modifications as soon as the review processes have been completed. Acceptance of a submission means that the author (or one of the authors) will be expected to present the paper at the conference.
  • Deadline for submission (structured abstract and special session): 15 march 2024.

More information: https://csr-com.org/ or contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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