AIRSI 2023. The Metaverse Conference (mayo 2023)

AIRSI2023 is an international conference focused on the application and effects of technologies that are part of the so called Industry 4.0 (artificial intelligence, robots, virtual assistants, avatars, metaverse, augmented reality, virtual reality, big data, blockchain, NFTs, etc.). Specifically, the aim of this conference is to deepen and broaden the current understanding of the use of all these new technologies to offer all kind of products and a wide variety of services (e.g., tourism, hospitality, marketing, banking, education, health, etc.) by focusing on their effects on value creation, relationship outcomes (e.g., satisfaction, loyalty, engagement, profitability), customer perceptions (e.g. trust) and concerns (e.g. privacy, security, etc.), ethical issues and other related aspects.

Topics of interest for the Conference include, but are not limited to:

  • Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation
  • Immersive Technologies: Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Metaverse
  • Robots, Avatars, Chatbots, Virtual Assistants, Smart speakers
  • Social media, Virtual influencers, Omnichannel strategies
  • Internet of Things, Big Data, Blockchain, NFTs, etc.

Possible contributions:

  • Theoretical or empirical (quantitative or qualitative)
  • Extended abstract (1000 words)
  • Work in progress (4000 words)
  • Full papers (6000 words)


  • Submision deadline: 31 march.
  • Early registration: 1 may (195€)
  • Celebration dates: 15-17 may (AIRSI Metaverse)

Publication opportunities:

  • International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Immersive Technologies in Hospitality and Tourism
  • Journal of Service Management. The Future of Work Service Employee-(Ro)bot Collaboration

Best Paper Awards:

  • Best Extended abstracts, Work in progress and Full papers
  • Special awards for papers based on doctoral thesis
  • Scholarship available for doctoral students

More information:


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