Special Issue Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. "Responsible Tourism and Hospitality"

Amid the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural growth of tourism development, sustainability has become a key concern for all the stakeholders of society. In the UNWTO’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, ending extreme poverty, fighting inequality and injustice, and fixing climate change are the key themes. As one of the largest and fastest-growing economic sectors in the world, tourism has grown at all levels through job creation, agricultural productivity spur, health care provision, pollution control, environmental conservation, and responsible consumption and production.

Recent research shows that sustainable tourism development enhances the prosperity of tourism destinations (Falatoonitoosi et al., 2021); environmental management is beneficial to lodging firms’ financial performance (Yeon et al., 2021); and properly designed marketing tools can increase customer engagement in prosocial initiatives (Gao et al., 2020) and encourage pro-environmental behavior (Wu et al., 2021). In addition, previous research suggests that online reviews of responsible tourism destinations are rated high in perceived helpfulness, perceived influence, and brand equity (Bigné et al., 2020). Given the impacts of the environmental, societal, and regulatory initiatives in the tourism and hospitality industry, this special issue of JHTR seeks to bring together a wide range of research to assess and illuminate how responsible tourism and hospitality industry contributes to the welfare and sustainability of the world.

The focus of this special issue is on “responsible” initiatives that emphasize the impact of marketing, consumer behavior, accounting and finance, strategy, human resources, technology, supply chain, food and beverage, planning and design on the tourism and hospitality industry. In line with the guiding editorial principles of JHTR, we expect to publish Innovative, Meaningful, Practically relevant, Academically rigorous, Cross-disciplinary, and Theory-focused research using a variety of methods such as quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method/multi-method. In particular, this special issue seeks systematic literature syntheses, meta analyses, seminal theory-building efforts, scale development and validation studies, or innovative research designs that relate to the responsibility of the hospitality and tourism industry. The topics include but are not limited to:


  • Sustainable/green/cause-related marketing in tourism and hospitality
  • Consumer ethical behavior in tourism and hospitality
  • Carbon offsetting and carbon neutrality in tourism and hospitality
  • Green finance in tourism and hospitality
  • Corporate social responsible strategies in tourism and hospitality
  • Ethical leadership and ethical human resource management in tourism and hospitality
  • Environmental/green/clean technology in tourism and hospitality
  • Sustainable supply chain in tourism and hospitality
  • Green practices in food and beverage management
  • Sustainable planning and design in tourism and hospitality



Timeline and Submission Procedure:

All submitted manuscripts will be assessed by the guest editors who determine suitability for review at JHTR. The review process is double-blind.

  • Full paper submissions: August 2022. Revisions and decisions: September 2022 - December 2022.
  • Publication: in 2023

Guest Editors

  • Anna Mattila, PhD, School of Hospitality Management, Penn State University, USA.
  • Lisa Gao, PhD, School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
  • Luisa Andreu, PhD, School of Economics, Department of Marketing, University of Valencia, Spain.

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