21st International Marketing Trends Conference (IMTC). The Future of marketing trends: Acceleration? Deceleration? Transformation? (January 2022)

There is no doubt that crises like the one we are going through are changing the world. The issue is to understand the logics and dynamics of these changes. On the one side, several pre-existing trends have known a tremendous acceleration and have reached levels that experts were only foreseeing in a 5–10-year horizon. For instance, the successive lockdowns have accelerated the transition from physical to digital channels in many industries, from retail to higher education, or even entertainment, media and communication, urging businesses and managers to quickly adapt. On the other side, the successive lockdowns led many consumers to (re)discover a life pace turned toward family time, reading, and more meditative leisure, in line with the previous trends of deceleration, such as the slow food movement, that challenges the pressure exerted by the lack of time. Additionally, the social and environmental challenges that humanity faces lead many scholars to call for a radical transformation of marketing and business models. Concepts such as degrowth, circular economy or localization are the expressions of a need for a complete rethink of our way of seeing the future.

So now what? Acceleration, deceleration, transformation? What shape will the evolution of the main marketing trends take?

IMTC invite you to join us during the 21st International Marketing Trends Conference in Roma (Italy) on the 20-22 January 2022, and participate to fruitful and exciting exchanges and discussions, with scholars and professionals, about the future of marketing trends.

Key Tracks:

  • International Marketing
  • Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Marketing Analytics
  • Branding and Marketing Communication
  • Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research
  • Digital Marketing
  • Innovation and Product Management
  • Marketing and Sustainability
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Retailing and E-Commerce
  • Sales, CRM, Pricing and Promotion
  • Sectorial Marketing-Services
  • Sectorial Marketing-Goods


Other events at Roma IMTC 2022:

  • Doctoral Colloquium
  • Best Thesis Award
  • Elyette Roux Luxury Thesis Award

More information:


Submission deadline:

20 september 2021


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