Research Topic Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Communication and Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: The Impact of AI-Enabled Technologies in E-commerce and Omnichannel Retailing.

Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Communication and Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence invite submission to this research topic: “The Impact of AI-Enabled Technologies in E-commerce and Omnichannel Retailing”.

This Research Topic aims to understand what impact AI is having on the structure of the industry and the relationships between retailers, platforms and manufacturers. From the consumer's point of view, it is important to understand how their purchasing process is changing in the customer journey and the results of this process, in terms of quality of choice and satisfaction. Finally, there are important implications and opportunities for regulatory institutions at the national and supranational level.

Potential themes (empirical and theoretical research) may contributes to the understanding of:

  • The effects of AI-enabled technologies in market relationships and the balance of power between retailers, platforms, manufacturers, and consumers.
  • The effects of AI-enabled technologies in online retailing in global social welfare, with special emphasis in the potential effect of biases and the implications for regulators.
  • Factors affecting consumers’ intention of use and adoption of AI-enabled technologies and potential moderators, anthropomorphism, privacy-related issues and the “privacy paradox”.
  • Effects of AI-enabled technologies in consumer choice, choice processes and consumers’ demand (e.g., personalization of choice set, voice versus image presentation of products, AI-empowered ads, algorithmic advice etc.)
  • Customer experience with AI, AI-mediated communication and the effects of conversational flow.
  • Effects of AI-enabled technologies in the results of online retailing: demand, financial results, customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Analysis of automated AI-enabled purchases, the role of AI-agents as consumers and the implications for retailers, platforms, manufacturers and consumers.
  • AI technologies for omnichannel management and logistics.
  • Ethical issues in using AI in the retail industry.



  • Abstract - 16/11/2020
  • Full paper - 16/03//2021

Guest Editors:

Prof. Mónica Cortiñas  –  Universidad Púbica de Navarra, España

Prof. Natalia Rubio  –  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España

Prof. Carmen Berne – Universidad de Zaragoza, España

Prof. Frode Niilssen – Nord University Business School, Norway

Prof. Raquel Chocarro  – Universidad Pública de Navarra, España



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