Special Issue Sustainability: The Impact of Audio-Visual Content on Sustainable Consumer Behavior

In the current context, social commerce is becoming "the ultimate form of advertising," where social networks offer to convert images and videos in moments of purchase. Mobile devices have managed to close the gap between promotion and shopping while also creating more fluid and frictionless experiences. New actors with marked audiovisual attributes, such as Instagram, Pinterest, or TikTok, have joined old-fashioned online social networking services, such as Facebook or Twitter. On the other hand, the global health crisis related to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has multiplied the time that consumers spend on different social networks and has increased electronic commerce worldwide. The fear of contagion has made these virtual environments the preferred means to maintain social relationships and acquire all kinds of products and services. This Special Issue will address studies on the role of audiovisual content in the sustainable behavior of online consumers in the current scenario. Sustainable consumer behavior encompasses the reasons and ways in which consumers incorporate sustainability issues into their day-to-day life. Conceptual and empirical studies oriented, among other subjects, to the following topics are welcome:

  • Sustainable consumer behavior in response to audiovisual content on social networks
  • Buying behavior in social networks with an emphasis on sustainability.
  • Creation of sustainable brand value by audiovisual content
  • Social media ads
  • Social media marketing activities
  • Innovative forms of customer segmentation based on sustainability
  • Analysis of consumer behavior online with cutting-edge techniques

Guest Editors: Dr. Jorge Arenas-Gaitán, Universidad de Sevilla, Dr. Patricio E. Ramirez-Correa, Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile).
Deadline: 31 July 2020
More information: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/


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