Special Issue, Journal of Business Research: Leveraging User Behavior and Data Science Technologies for Management


Increased access to large amounts of freely available or proprietary data has created massive commercial opportunities nowadays, effectively becoming a key strategic capability for companies able to leverage them. The objective of this Special Issue is to invite novel research to fill the gaps in current business knowledge, while offering an integrative view of how data-driven decisions and user generated data impact current and future business practices. We welcome theoretical, empirical, conceptual and experimental studies that offer fresh and critical insights on the topic. We are open to a wide range of research methods as long as they are consistent with the aims and scope of the special issue.

The Special Issue accepts submissions that focus on - but are not limited - to:
- Identify best practices in leveraging and applying data science to inform marketing and management decision-making;
- Understand how can companies improve the use of user data (both UGC and UGB) to gain knowledge of peoples’ behavior and needs;
- Analyze differences in the analysis of data generated from explicit (UGC) and implicit (UGB) user participation, e.g. how implicit, unintentional vs. explicit, voluntary data may impact differently in consumer decision-making; how these types of data may impact into or inform managerial decisions;
- Identify the technological, ethical or other challenges that impact implementation of data science technologies that unveil consumer digital behavior;
- Understand how traditional text-mining techniques are evolving from traditional sentiment to explore modal properties such as trust, commitment, etc. to gain a better understanding on users’ perceptions and behavior;…

Generally, contributions have to be related - but not limited - to any of the topics outlined above and which clearly relate to UGC and UGB and data science for management using research approaches such as data mining, social network analysis, knowledge discovery, sentiment analysis, big data, machine learning approaches, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Digital Analytics, Big Data Analytics, Neuromarketing, etc.

The submission deadline is 31 Dec 2020.

Special Issue Guest Editors: Dr. Lorena Blasco-Arcas, Dr. Ana Reyes, Prof. Mariano Luis Alcañiz Raya, and Prof. Minas Kastanakis.

More information: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-business-research/call-for-papers/leveraging-user-behavior-and-data-science-technologies


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