Congreso IAPNM 25

The International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM) / Asociación Internacional de Marketing Público y No Lucrativo (AIMPN) is a nonprofit professional society established in 2002 looking for a stable networking platform for academics and practitioners from marketing or other related disciplines who are concerned with or interested in these knowledge fields as well as in any other issue dealing with responsibility in businesses, administrations, and nonprofits. It aims to contribute to the establishment of adequate bases for an integrated, responsible, and sustainable socio-economic development model worldwide.

This year, the IAPNM Congress will be held in Poland, in the city of Katowice, at the Akademia Górnośląska (Katowice Business University), which is the oldest private higher education institution in Upper Silesia, with over 30 years of experience in the educational market.

The main theme of the conference will be 'Marketing for the Ecological and Technological Transition in Post-Industrial Areas.

Important Dates and Deadlines:

Submission open: 27 January

Submission of extended abstract : 30 April

Notification of acceptance of extended abstract: 7 May

Full paper submission: 30 May

Deadline for early registration payment: 20 May

Deadline for regular registration payment: 10 June

Conference: 2–5 July

More information: https://iapnm25.kbu.edu.pl/

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