Open positions for Non-tenured, Tenured and Visiting Professors in Marketing at the Public University of Navarre, Spain

The Department of Management at the Public University of Navarre (Pamplona, Spain) invites applications for non-tenured, tenured, and visiting (one or two semesters) positions in Marketing.

We seek highly qualified candidates who are committed to a career in research and teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. or have completed the requirements for such a degree by the date of employment. knowledge of Spanish is not required but it will be a plus.

The preferred starting time will be September 2022, but other starting times may also be considered.

The Department of Business Administration of the Public University of Navarre is committed to high standards of research and teaching. In recent years, faculty members have published in, among others, the following journals: Marketing Science, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of World Business, Journal of International Business Studies, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Journal of International Marketing, International Marketing Review, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, International Journal of Human Resource Management, or Research Policy

The salary will depend on the qualifications of the candidate. The teaching duty will be between 90-100 hours per semester, in English or in Spanish, and could also supervise doctoral students.

Interested candidates may contact Javier Cebollada (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

More information:

Universidad Pública de Navarra:

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