1. The Spanish Association of Academic and Professional Marketing (AEMARK) announces the Best Doctoral Thesis Award, which will be awarded during the XXXIII International Marketing Congress AEMARK, in Valencia. A single prize will be awarded. Exceptionally, a second prize may be awarded to distinguish another outstanding thesis in the selection process.
  2. The author of the awarded Doctoral Thesis will receive a plaque and a supporting diploma, as well as €3.000 in prize money. In the exceptional case of being awarded a second prize, the winning thesis will receive a remuneration of € 2,000 and the second prize will receive a remuneration of € 1,000.
  3. The authors of the Doctoral Theses defended between May 10th, 2021 and May 15th, 2022 will be eligible for the Award. The thesis author must be a member of AEMARK. Likewise, at least one of its directors must also be a member of AEMARK, with at least two years of seniority in the last 4 years. These requirements must be met at the date of submission of the documentation to qualify for this prize. The presentation of the application implies the acceptance of these Bases.
  4. The candidates for the Prize must register in the Congress and, except for exceptional circumstances, present a summary of the Doctoral Thesis during its celebration.
  5. The candidates will send to Carla Ruiz Mafe, member Organizing Committee of the Valencia Congress, to the next postal address Departamento de Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados, Facultad de Economía. Avda. Tarongers s/n. 46022 Valencia or to this mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before May 23th, 2022 the next documents:

                        (1) an anonymous copy (without author, director or university data) in electronic format (pdf file),

                        (2) a copy of the defense record with the qualification obtained,

                        (3) the composition of the Evaluating Tribunal,

                        (4) the CV of the candidate, and

                        (5) a brief report (no more than 300 words) justifying the relevance of the Doctoral Thesis and mentioning any evidence of quality that is considered important. All evidence of quality mentioned must also be accredited (European or international mention, awards, publications, etc.).

  1. The Organizing Committee of the Congress will make public the list of candidates for the Prize, with the titles of the Doctoral Theses and the name of their Directors.
  2. The decision will correspond to a jury appointed for that purpose, composed of five members of recognized academic and/or professional prestige, who will have the documentation presented by the applicants and with the reports of two recognized experts for each Thesis presented.
  3. The announcement of the Prize will be made public in the Congress, and will be final.

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