Best Research Paper on “Global Brand Strategy and Management” Award By Leading Brands of Spain Association

  1. The Spanish Association of Academic and Professional Marketing (AEMARK) and the Leading Brands of Spain Association (AMRE) announce the Best Research Paper Award on “GLOBAL BRAND STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT”. The aim of this collaboration is to promote the University - Company relationship by rewarding scientific research focused on Branding and the intangible value that it represents for the companies.
  2. The author/s of the awarded Research Paper will receive a prize of € 1,500 and a supporting diploma.
  3. The Research Papers presented in the XXXII of the International Marketing Congress AEMARK celebrated in Jaen will be eligible for the Award. The Research Papers can be registered in any thematic area of the Congress, except for Higher Education and Marketing and should address in Brand related issues, including the following lines:
  • Brand value for organizations (the brand as a source of competitive advantage: economic value; the role of the brand in purchasing decisions; the role of the brand in generating profitability / margins; the role of the brand in the attraction and retention of talent ...).
  • Internationalization of the brand (international brand expansion strategies and models, including management structure, architecture, tools, partners ...).
  • Country of origin factor (perception of the country brand and analysis of the country of origin effect on the buying behavior of customers in foreign markets, foreign investment decisions or incorporation into a company, with special attention to the Spain brand).


At least half of the authors of each Research Paper proposed for the award must be members of AEMARK with at least two years’ membership, at the date of submission of the documentation to qualify for this prize. The presentation of the application implies the acceptance of these Bases. The Congress Committee reserves the right to present papers nominated for this award that fit these bases with the prior authorization of the authors.

  1. The authors of each research paper aspiring to the Award will send to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. a single message communicating the wish to participate before 24:00 hours on June 5th 2020. The message will include:

(1) application for participation,

(2) full reference of the Research Article,

(3) statement that all authors of the work agree to the participation,

(4) detailed executive report (descriptive) complementary to the research carried out (not exceed 2 pages).

In the subject/title of the message must appear 'Request Award Leading Brands of Spain Association for Best Research Paper on “GLOBAL BRAND STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT” 2020'.

  1. AEMARK will make the list of admitted Research Articles public, indicating the complete reference of the same (authors and title).
  2. The decision will correspond to a jury appointed for that purpose, composed of two researchers of recognized prestige and two representatives from the Leading Brands of Spain Association. This Jury will fundamentally value the interest and contribution for the International Marketing discipline and its implications in the International Brand Strategy and Management of Spanish Brands.
  3. The announcement of the Prize will be made public at the XXXII International Marketing Conference AEMARK to be held in Jaen and will be final.

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