AEMARK Recognition for Excellence in Marketing

The AEMARK Recognition for Marketing Excellence is created to distinguish those Spanish companies (or that develop their activity mainly in Spain) that, as a result of the application of effective marketing strategies, have stood out notably for their improvement in key indicators of growth and competitiveness, for being leaders in innovation or for the social impact of their marketing actions.

The bases of this Recognition are the following:

  1. Only one annual recognition will be granted.
  2. The delivery will take place in an event organized during the celebration of the XXXIII International Marketing Congress AEMARK in Valencia in September 2022.
  3. The Recognition has an honorary character, but the winning company will enjoy the following benefits:
    1. Honor plaque with the mention of Recognition.
    2. Dissemination by AEMARK of the Recognition granted on its website, newsletter and in the media deemed most appropriate.
    3. Possibility to broadcast the granting of the Recognition on its website, internal documents and other communication actions.
    4. Chance to present your case as a "success story" at the business session of the next congress.
    5. Chance to access a consulting session with members of the AEMARK Board of Directors to obtain professional advice on marketing issues that the company considers of interest.
    6. AEMARK support for young researchers to do internships / stays in the company.
  1. The applications will be submitted by electronic procedure, sending the required documentation to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , to the attention of Dr. Pilar López. The deadline for sending applications ends on June 1st, 2022.
  2. Applications can only be submitted by AEMARK members and each of them must be endorsed by a minimum of five members.
  3. The documentation to be submitted for each application must consist of a report of a maximum of 3,500 words that will contain:
    1. Identification and contact information of the company: business name, address and website.
    2. Executive summary of a maximum length 500 words.
    3. Memory of activities linked to his career in marketing.
    4. Justified description of the effects of your marketing actions on notoriety, value creation, innovation, brand value, internationalization and / or social responsibility.
    5. Optionally, the report may be accompanied by an audiovisual document that complements the report with relevant information, with a maximum duration of 2 minutes.
  1. The jury will consist of five members of recognized academic and / or professional prestige, members of AEMARK and appointed by the board of directors.
  2. The jury will assess the relevance of the marketing actions developed by the company and its impact on notoriety, value creation, innovation, brand value, internationalization and / or social responsibility.
  3. The jury's decision will be communicated to the winning company within a minimum of 30 days before the public award ceremony. And in no case may the company make this information public prior to the public act of delivery. The list of companies presented as candidates for recognition will not be made public.

The acceptance of the Recognition implies the commitment to attend the delivery ceremony at the XXXIII International Marketing Congress AEMARK to be held in September 2022.


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