Outstanding Achievement Award in Marketing

  1. The Spanish Association of Academic and Professional Marketing (AEMARK) announces the Distinction for the Trajectory of the Marketing Professor, which will be awarded during the XXXIII International Marketing Congress AEMARK in Valencia.
  2. The distinguished professor will attend the Congress as guest of honor, where he/she will receive a plaque accrediting the Distinction granted. His / Her travel and lodging expenses will be covered by AEMARK up to a maximum amount of €800.
  3. All professors who have made sustained contributions over time (30 or more years) to the Marketing discipline, and who have had an active involvement with AEMARK and its foundational objectives, will be eligible for the Distinction.
  4. To qualify for the distinction, the candidate must be proposed by one or more AEMARK partners. All candidates must submit:
  5. Report (no more than four pages) indicating the merits of the candidate to be eligible for recognition,
  6. Updated curriculum vitae of the candidate
  7. Three letters of recommendation.
  8. The candidacies for the Distinction, with the documentation indicated in the previous point, must be sent before June 1st, 2021 to the AEMARK coordinator of the award:

María Pilar López Belbeze

Departamento de Economía y Empresa

Edificio B (UAB)

Avinguda de l'Eix Central, s/n

08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), Barcelona

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  1. Those who propose a candidate accept the basis of the Distinction, and the distinguished professor is committed to participate in the award ceremony.
  2. The verdict will correspond to a jury appointed for that purpose, composed of five members of recognized academic prestige, who will have the documentation presented in the nominations of candidates.
  3. The decision of the Jury will be final.

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