Candidatos mejor articulo investigación

Listado de artículos presentados al Premio Mejor Artículo de Investigación en Marketing que cumplen las bases del premio Aemark 2022:


  1. Alonso Dos Santos, M., Huertas-Serrano, M., Sánchez-Franco, M. J., & Torres-Moraga, E. I. (2021). Alcohol versus sponsorship: Effectiveness in sports posters. British Food Journal, 123(7), 2398-2413.
  2. Alonso Dos Santos, M., Sánchez-Franco, M. J., & Prado Gascó, V. (2021). The effect of articulated sports sponsorship on recall and visual attention to the brand. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 22(3), 493-506.
  3. Bande, B., Kimura, T., Fernández-Ferrín, P., & Jaramillo, F. (2021). "Capability management control and salesperson turnover: A double-edged sword in a product complexity scenario". Industrial Marketing Management, 96, 100-112.
  4. Belanche, D., Casaló, L.V., Flavián, M., & Ibáñez-Sánchez, S. (2021). “Understanding influencer marketing: The role of congruence between influencers, products and consumers”. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 132, pp. 186-195. DOI:
  5. Belanche, D., Casaló, L. V., & Flavián, C. (2021). Frontline robots in tourism and hospitality: service enhancement or cost reduction?. Electronic Markets, 31(3), 477-492. DOI:
  6. Belanche, D., Casaló, L. V., Schepers, J., & Flavián, C. (2021). Examining the effects of robots' physical appearance, warmth, and competence in frontline services: The Humanness‐Value‐Loyalty model. Psychology & Marketing, 38(12), 2357-2376. DOI: .
  7. Cachero-Martínez, S., & Vázquez-Casielles, R. (2021). Building consumer loyalty through e-shopping experiences: the mediating role of emotions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102481.
  8. Cambra-Fierro, J., Gao, L. X., & Melero-Polo, I. (2021). "The power of social influence and customer–firm interactions in predicting non-transactional behaviors, immediate customer profitability, and long-term customer value". Journal of Business Research, 125, 103-119.
  9. Cambra-Fierro, J., Gao, L. X., Melero-Polo, I., & Trifu, A. (2021). "How do firms handle variability in customer experience? A dynamic approach to better understanding customer retention". Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61.
  10. Casado-Díaz, Ana B., Sandra Navarro-Ruiz, Juan Luis Nicolau & Josep Ivars-Baidal (2021). "Expanding our understanding of cruise visitors’ expenditure at destinations: The role of spatial patterns, onshore visit choice and cruise category". Tourism Management, 83, 104199. DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2020.104199.
  11. Castro-González, S., Bande, B., & Fernández-Ferrín, P. (2021). "Influence of companies ́credibility and trust in corporate social responsibility aspects of consumer food products: The moderating intervention of consumer integrity". Sustainable Production and Consumption, 28, 129-141.
  12. Delgado-Ballester, E., López-López, I., & Bernal-Palazón, A. (2021). "Why Do People Initiate an Online Firestorm? The Role of Sadness, Anger, and Dislike". International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 25(3), 313-337.
  13. Fernández-Ferrín, P., Castro-González, S., & Bande, B. (2021). Corporate social responsibility, emotions, and consumer loyalty in the food retail context: Exploring the moderating effect of regional identity. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(2), 648-666.
  14. Flavián, C., Ibáñez-Sánchez, S., & Orús, C. (2021). "Impacts of technological embodiment through virtual reality on potential guests’ emotions and engagement". Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 30(1), 1-20. DOI:
  15. Flavián, C., Ibáñez-Sánchez, S., & Orús, C. (2021). ""The influence of scent on virtual reality experiences: The role of aroma-content congruence"". Journal of Business Research, 123, 289-301. DOI:"
  16. Frasquet, M., & Miquel-Romero, M. J. (2021). "Competitive (versus loyal) showrooming: An application of the push-pull-mooring framework". Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 62, Septiembre, 102639.
  17. GARCÍA DE LOS SALMONES, M.M.; HERRERO, A.; MARTÍNEZ, P. (2021): “CSR communication on Facebook: Attitude towards the company and intention to share”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021, 33(4), pp. 1391–1411. DOI 10.1108/IJCHM-09-2020-1054.
  18. GARCÍA DE LOS SALMONES, M.M.; HERRERO, A.; MARTÍNEZ, P. (2021): “Determinants of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Social Networking Sites About Negative News on CSR”. Journal of Business Ethics, 2021, 33(4), pp. 1391–1411. DOI 10.1007/s10551-020-04466-9.
  19. Herzallah, D., Leiva, F. M., & Liébana-Cabanillas, F. (2021). To buy or not to buy, that is the question: understanding the determinants of the urge to buy impulsively on Instagram Commerce. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing.
  20. Ibáñez, M. J., Alonso Dos Santos, M., & Llanos-Contreras, O. (2021). Transmission of family identity and consumer response: Do consumers recognize family firms? International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 28(1), 6-25.
  21. Itziar Oltra, Carmen Camarero & Rebeca San José Cabezudo (2021): "Inspire me, please! The effect of calls to action and visual executions on customer inspiration in Instagram communications". International Journal of Advertising, DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2021.2014702
  22. López-López, I., Palazón, M., & Sánchez-Martínez, J. A. (2021). "Why should you respond to customer complaints on a personal level? The silent observer's perspective". Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 661-684.
  23. Mora-Pérez, E.; Vila-López, N. y Kuster-Boluda, I. (2021). “Segmenting the audience of a cause-related marketing viral campaign”. International Journal of Information Management, 59, 102296
  24. Orús, C., Ibáñez-Sánchez, S., & Flavián, C. (2021). "Enhancing the customer experience with virtual and augmented reality: The impact of content and device type. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 98, 103019. DOI:
  25. Robaina-Calderín, L., & Martín Santana, J. D. (2021). “A review of research on neuromarketing using content analysis: key approaches and new avenues”. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 15(6), 923-938. DOI: 10.1007/s11571-021-09693-y."
  26. SAN MARTÍN, H.; HERNÁNDEZ, B.; HERRERO, A. (2021): “Social Consciousness and Perceived Risk as Drivers of Crowdfunding as a Socially Responsible Investment in Tourism”. Journal of Travel Research, 2021, 60(1), pp. 16–30, DOI: 10.1177/0047287519896017.
  27. Sánchez-Fernández, R., & Jiménez-Castillo, D. (2021). "How social media influencers affect behavioural intentions towards recommended brands: the role of emotional attachment and information value". Journal of Marketing Management, 37(11-12), 1123-1147.
  28. Sánchez-Franco, M. J., Arenas-Márquez, F. J., & Alonso-Dos-Santos, M. (2021). "Using structural topic modelling to predict users’ sentiment towards intelligent personal agents. An application for Amazon’s echo and Google Home". Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 63, 102658.
  29. Sánchez-Franco, M. J., Troyano-Jiménez, J. A., & Alonso-Dos-Santos, M. (2021). Fuzzy metatopics predicting prices of Airbnb accomodations. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 40(2), 1879-1891.
  30. Temprano-García, V., Rodríguez-Escudero, A. I., and Rodríguez-Pinto, J. (2021). Brand deletion implementation: The effect on performance of context and process factors. European Management Journal, Vol. 39 No. 1, 147-161. doi: 10.1016/J.EMJ.2020.07.002
  31. Torres-Moraga, E. I., Alonso-Dos-Santos, M., & Carvajal-Trujillo, E. (2021). Green hotel patronage intention through biospheric values. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 602-612.
  32. Torres-Moraga, E. I., Alonso-Dos-Santos, M., Quezada Arboleda, D., & Carvajal-Trujillo, E. (2021). ""The role of experience and trustworthiness on perception sustainable touristic destinations"". Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 49, 471-480.

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