Recognition to the Best Conference Paper

  1. The Spanish Association of Academic and Professional Marketing (AEMARK) announces the Recognition for the Best Paper presented at the XXXIII International Marketing Congress AEMARK, in Valencia.
  2. The author/s of the best presentation will receive a plaque, a supporting diploma and €500 in prize money, financed by the Organizing Committee.
  3. The procedure for awarding the Prize will be based on the quality of the submitted work, considering the originality of the work and its contribution to the Marketing area. Among all papers accepted for presentation at the XXXIII International Marketing Congress AEMARK, ten will be selected as candidates for the Prize. This selection will be made according to the scores given in the reports of the evaluation process of the congress. The decision will correspond to a jury appointed for that purpose, composed of three researchers of recognized prestige.
  4. The award decision will be made public at the XXXIII International Marketing Conference AEMARK, to be held in Valencia and will be final.

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