Award for Best Research Paper

  1. The Spanish Association of Academic and Professional Marketing (AEMARK) announces the Best Marketing Research Article Award. The Association awards a first prize to the Best Article and two second prize.
  2. The author/s of the awarded Research Article will receive a plaque and a supporting diploma.
  3. The Research Articles published between January 1st and December 31, 2021 will be eligible for the Award. Only the printed publication date will be considered, unless it is an exclusively electronic publication. The Research Articles must address a topic relevant to the Marketing discipline and must have been published in a marketing journal or related areas. At least half of the authors of each Research Article proposed for the award must be members of AEMARK with at least two years’ membership, at the date of submission of the documentation to qualify for this Award. The presentation of the application implies the acceptance of these Bases.
  4. The authors of each research article aspiring to the Award will send a single message to the e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , communicating the wish to participate before 24:00 hours on June 1st, 2022. The message will include:

                       (1) application for participation,

                       (2) full reference of the Research Article,

                       (3) statement that all authors of the work agree to the participation,

                       (4) quality indications of the proposed Research Article and of the journal where it has been published, and

                       (5) electronic copy of the publication.

                       The subject/title of the message should indicate 'Request AEMARK Award for Best Research Articles 2022'.

  1. AEMARK will make the list of admitted Research Articles public, indicating the complete reference of the same (authors, title, journal and date of publication).
  2. The decision will correspond to a jury appointed for that purpose, composed of three researchers of recognized prestige. This Jury will fundamentally value the interest and contribution to the Marketing discipline of the Research Articles, and the impact of the journal in which they have been published.
  3. The announcement of the Award will be made public at the XXXIII International Marketing Conference AEMARK, to be held in Valencia and will be final.


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