The Spanish Association of Academic and Professional Marketing (AEMARK) is an organization dedicated to provide support for professionals in the area of Marketing, both in academia and business managers and consultants.

The mission of AEMARK is to offer an environment to stimulate, promote, disseminate and apply teaching and research activity related to Marketing.
The aims through which this mission is specified include (a) promoting the development of teaching and research in the marketing area, (b) contributing to the dissemination and development of marketing as and activity and as a science, (c) acting as a debate forum to promote and defend the prestige of the area as a university discipline, (d) promote the effective collaboration between academia, professionals (managers and consultants) and public institutions whose decisions may affect our members, (e) encourage contact with other organizations whose goals are similar to those of AEMARK, (f) coordinate social and professional activities that favor the exchange of knowledge of Marketing and (g) develop, disseminate and defend the Professional Ethics Codes and Conduct Guidelines in the area.

If you feel identified with the mission of AEMARK and want to participate in its objectives and activities, please apply to become a member by login in the top menu of this web page.



We assume a solid and thoughtful commitment to continue making the marketing area visible with the International Marketing Conference of AEMARK, if possible with greater emphasis. Among the most relevant aspects we must emphasize the academic and professional character of this Conference, the transfer of knowledge to Society, and its undoubted international projection.



AEMARK organizes two seminars at the beginning of each year: the teaching seminar and the research seminar. With the teaching seminar AEMARK aims to address current issues of interest to teachers in the area of marketing and market research. With the research seminar the objective is to provide training in novel analytical techniques and tools that researchers in this area can use to execute their research.



SJME publishes every year two regular issues and a Special Issue on a topic of particular interest for the journal audience. The Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, formerly named Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC, has been published periodically since 1996 with the support of AEMARK (Spanish Association of Academic and Professional Marketing) and ESIC Business & Marketing School. The journal is published by Elsevier since 2014 and it is published fully in English since 2016. 



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